Four-Year Public:
Alabama A&M University,
Alabama State University
Four-Year Private:
Concordia College Selma,
Miles College,
Oakwood University,
Selma University,
Stillman College,
Talladega College,
Tuskegee University
Two-Year Public:
Bishop State Community College,
Shelton State Community College C.A. Fredd Campus,
Gadsden State Community College, Valley Street,
J.F. Drake State Technical College,
Lawson State Community College,
Trenholm State Technical College,
Four-Year Public:
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Four-Year Private:
Arkansas Baptist College,
Philander Smith College
Four-Year Public:
Delaware State University
District of Columbia
Four-Year Public:
University of the District of Columbia
Four-Year Private:
Howard University
Four-Year Public:
Florida A&M University
Four-Year Private:
Bethune-Cookman College,
Edward Waters College,
Florida Memorial University,
Four-Year Public:
Albany State University,
Fort Valley State University,
Savannah State University,
Four-Year Private:
Clark Atlanta University,
Interdenominational Theological Center,
Morehouse College,
Morehouse School of Medicine,
Morris Brown College,
Paine College,
Spelman College,
Four-Year Public:
Kentucky State University
Four-Year Public:
Grambling State University,
Southern University A&M College,
Southern University at New Orleans
Four-Year Private:
Dillard University of Louisiana,
Xavier University
Four-Year Public:
Southern University at Shreveport
Four-Year Public:
Bowie State University,
Coppin State College,
Morgan State University,
University of Maryland Eastern Shore,
Two-Year Private:
Lewis College of Business
Four-Year Public:
Alcorn State University,
Jackson State University,
Mississippi Valley State University,
Four-Year Private:
Rust College,
Tougaloo College
Two-Year Public:
Coahoma Community College,
Hinds Community College, Utica
Four-Year Public:
Harris-Stowe State University,
Lincoln University
North Carolina
Four-Year Public:
Elizabeth City State University,
Fayetteville State University,
North Carolina A&T State University,
North Carolina Central University,
Winston-Salem State University
Four-Year Private:
Barber-Scotia College,
Bennett College,
Johnson C. Smith University,
Livingstone College,
Shaw University,
St. Augustine's College,
Four-Year Public:
Central State University
Four-Year Private:
Wilberforce University
Four-Year Public:
Langston University
Four-Year Public:
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania,
Lincoln University
South Carolina
Four-Year Public:
South Carolina State University
Four-Year Private:
Allen University,
Benedict College,
Claflin University,
Morris College,
Voorhees College,
Two-Year Public:
Denmark Technical College
Two-Year Private:
Clinton Junior College
Four-Year Public:
Tennessee State University
Four-Year Private:
Fisk University,
Knoxville College,
Lane College,
Lemoyne-Owen College,
Meharry Medical College,
Four-Year Public:
Prairie View A&M University,
Texas Southern University
Four-Year Private:
Huston-Tillotson University,
Jarvis Christian College,
Paul Quinn College,
Southwestern Christian College,
Texas College,
Wiley College
Two-Year Public:
St. Philip's College
Four-Year Public:
Norfolk State University,
Virginia State University
Four-Year Private:
Hampton University,
Saint Paul's College,
Virginia Union University,
Virginia University of Lynchburg
West Virginia
Four-Year Public:
Bluefield State College,
West Virginia State University
U.S. Virgin Islands
Four-Year Public:
University of the Virgin Islands
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What is an HBCU?
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were established starting in the 1800s, in order to provide higher education opportunities for otherwise oppressed African-Americans. Demand for such higher education was created largely by African-American churches of that time, who took it upon themselves to provide elementary and secondary educations for southern Blacks.
Through the initiative of these and other such organizations, such as the American Missionary Association, as well as government legistlation, African-Americans finally got a chance at higher education. And boy, did they ever thrive. HBCUs have prevailed into the 21st century, as a nurturing ground for future African-American leaders. They are by no means exclusive to African-Americans, but continue to stand as a bastion of cultural excellence.